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India Art Fair

1 – 4 February 2024

Jhaveri Contemporary, India Art Fair, New Delhi

Click here for more information.

Installation view, Jhaveri Contemporary, India Art Fair, New Delhi. Courtesy of Jhaveri Contemporary.

Installation view, Jhaveri Contemporary, India Art Fair, New Delhi. Courtesy of Jhaveri Contemporary.

The Trouble with Lichen 4, 2019. Acrylic, embroidery and wool on linen, 100 x 80 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Jhaveri Contemporary.

The Trouble with Lichen 4, 2019. Acrylic, embroidery and wool on linen, 100 x 80 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Jhaveri Contemporary.

Installation view, Jhaveri Contemporary, India Art Fair, New Delhi. Courtesy of Jhaveri Contemporary.

Installation view, Jhaveri Contemporary, India Art Fair, New Delhi. Courtesy of Jhaveri Contemporary.